Friday, January 29, 2010


Walked through the wood. Return of a gloomy red. The crescent moon, Jupiter, and Venus. Cheerless & gloomy. A miserable afternoon.


A very wet morning. Heard a strange cry. The Nightingale. Threatening. Been digging in my absence.


The primroses are passing their prime. Stars grew or diminished as they passed. I bought a pair of scissors. The anemone, scentless. Stones as upon a pillow for weariness & the rest.


I do believe a thousand buds. Rather be in hell than be pressed. L. called. Thick round & double, & smelt. Hung loosely about & bore. I was melancholy & could not talk. Now spreads yellow.

1 comment:

Geofhuth said...

As a tea freak and a poet, I love this little sequence. But where's the keemun mao feng?

April Fool?