Saturday, February 06, 2010

Tea Log

Assam Harmutty (NE India)
- this with breakfast - a kind of upmarket perfumed English Breakfast. I'm finding one spoon gives enough strength.
Assam Mahaluxmi ( " )
- just bought this one to compare with the one above
Earl Grey Red Baron (China)
- four o'clock in the afternoon. Both the scents and the taste - stunning. Beautiful flecks of red leaves.
Formosa Oolong Finest (Taiwan)
- the least knock-out of the first teas I got. Do I really like the woody/chestnut taste?
Ti Kuan Yi (China)
- another Oolong - but more of a green tea. Again, not yet convinced.
Bourgeons de Yunnan (China)
- not tasted
Yunnan Wu Shan Yin Hao (China)
- not tasted

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