Wednesday, March 12, 2014

One or two of the regulars have mentioned that things are a bit quiet on the Blog front. By way of explanation, this is the crunch time for exam classes & so my efforts are channeled into Coursework submissions & Orals & practice exams. Give it a week or so & we're out of the woods.

In the meantime ... expect a post on the new pair of glasses - I have finally accepted that the current pair are under strength & grazed in places. (It has been, after all, twelve years ... ). Apparently little has changed but at 50 I have to bow to the inevitable & go for progressive vocals. No, that should read "focals". I will have to watch my step walking downstairs. The lenses are being made in Japan & so it will be a good ten days before I'm sporting the "new look" which - given the way frames go in & out of fashion - will be much like how I looked back in the 70s. Anyone remember?


Rupert Thomson's novel The Insult arrived this morning. I'm led to believe he's one of those people I should have read. I picked up a copy of Soft in Antwerp over the weekend.


From where I type I can see the trees are in full bloom, the pink blossom caught in the late afternoon sun. A colleague reminded me that this day a year ago we had ... snow.


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