Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bye bye 2006

A day for resolutions - one of which is to listen & read more selectively, more concentratedly, more purposefully.

First up: Miles Davis. And 'Star People' is a revelation - from what I can gather the studio album lying behind 'We Want Miles'. I'd never bothered with it before for a variety of reasons (read prejudices). Anyway it's a great way to round off 2006 and to start in on 2007.


And this:

"Transformative moments are very rare, or they seem so due to our inattention. It takes so many processes to coincide JUST SO for us to arrive at a transformative moment (if we're watching). But maybe this is wrong, and they happen constantly, though WE are absent ... We are all players and we are all being played."

(Keith Jarrett, liner notes for 'Radiance')


A Happy New Year to any Belgianwaffle readers out there.

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