Monday, September 01, 2008

Sonnet (in One Line)

I am anxious too to see the Author of the Sonnet to the Sun


first day back at the chalk face and this arrives unexpectedly. Strange.


walrus said...

Rather excellent, I thought. The Unconscious always knows best...

Look fwd to yr thoughts on the Wire. It's a strange new world when you start -- I'd give it till episode 3 or so to finally feel at home...


PS Am listening to Mingus Dynasty as I type -- know it? It's fun stuff...

belgianwaffle said...

- I confess: lifted from Keats' letter 9 Oct 1816 (it just jumped off the page). In itself an interesting unconscious 'speaking'.

- The Wire will take some getting used to. The heavy macho talk grates a bit (whereas in 'The Thick of It' I relish the send-up of Whitehall swagger). The camerawork interests me, though. Still early days!

- Mingus Dynasty - not one I know well but I am a fan of his music. Tijuana Moods (very beautiful) & Ah Um are my favourites. The Joni Mitchell album is worth listening to, too. If you know Robert Wyatt's solo albums you'll also hear Mingus' influence at work.

The Clown is a strange one - Mingus on piano & poetry.

- Currently looking at some Ferlinghetti with one of my classes.

- Otherwise adjusting to the 8:30-3:30 regime ...

walrus said...

Wire: Ah, you obviously never flirted with gangsta rap. At the risk of sounding pretentious, the street slang of the projects has its on poetry. I'd recommend watching with the subtitles on. There are some fine phrases: listen out for being beaten like a redheaded stepchild...

Mingus: Yes, I like Ah Um. Also Tonight at Noon & Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus. I'll look into the others, esp Tijuana Moods.


April Fool?