Thursday, January 08, 2015

I hadn't registered that Orlando Gibbons was Glenn Gould's favourite composer. For other reasons I've been exploring OG & so this was a must have (arrived today). My first "cadeau, Monsieur!" from Francois the cheery concierge as he dropped the little brown package on my desk.

I've only had time to listen to track 1 - a William Byrd Pavan & Galliard - but it is clearly a special recording (although I accept that there will be many who 1) loathe Gould's mannerisms & 2) find a piano for such pieces anathema). Actually I have problems with harpsichords - who said it was like skeletons in a piano making love? - & Gould's piano version clarifies the lines for my ears.


We woke up to rain & it continued unabated throughout the day. Bang goes my every other day run, I thought, getting into the car for the drive home. When, suddenly, arriving in Brussels, the skies cleared. Perhaps Joga (deity of running) was smiling benignly upon me. So, home, quick change, on with the magic shoes & off to the woods. A quick 3 km in 20 mins - which doesn't seem bad. Great feeling of having snatched an outing from under the nose of the Rain Demon.

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