Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the lexicon
marconi. hertz. maxwell. edison.
a violin a tree a body
14 to 18
the thought that forms
scale of relations
“we are poets” says pythagoras
the ocean teaches
the pulse of language
model a universe
death of the monument
birth of the moment



walrus said...

I think that's one of the best yet. It's hard to say why. There is something just right about the choice of words... More!


PS Yes, Tim Atkins. A friend of mine is currently being taught by him & reports favourably. I keep looking at the preview of his book on the Salt website, but haven't yet made up my mind. He is strikingly different, so to be supported, I think. I also note that the Crashaw Prize winners have been announced . . . I wonder why Ailbhe Darcy had to withdraw?

PPS Your blog turned me on to a whole new area of avant-garde poetics, so I thank you, dear sir.

belgianwaffle said...

Yes - one of the NYR's 2009 is to keep on keeping on. The 12-line format is pretty pliable. My aim is to turn out enough with minimal anxiety & tidying up & to then see what they suggest & then work in/out from there.

re. P.S. Tim A. - I've already broken one of my NYR's in advance & gone ahead & ordered whatever was available by him. With the euro to pound ratio as it is I can dupe myself even more that Amazon.co.uk. is cheaper than the shops!

I see he's done a set of sonnets - so that one comes under the heading of 'research'.

I'm also happy to find another writing Dad. I need role models!

His recent one seems to be working English rural traditions with postmodern practices - so, for me, that's Martin Corless-Smith territory. But I'll wait (impatiently) for the volume to arrive & then see. He runs Onedit with Lisa J's husband Thomas Evans - I wonder it took me so long to put two and two together.

Don't know much about Poetry Prizes though.

re. P.P.S. Great!

April Fool?