Monday, December 29, 2008

& now I'm back & blogging again, who - or what? - is The Princess of Pastiche?


walrus said...

Don't be jealous, O Carpenter. She is just a blogger (blogette?) I like to admire from afar . . .

Good to have you back. Here's to another year of blogging . . .


belgianwaffle said...

Ah ... & I see a fellow Wire addict. Just for a moment I thought it might be the Walrus breaking cover in a new Blog habitat.

It was around about this time last year I started thinking this Blog had run its course. 2008 has seen - I think - my most sustained & frequent posts. In large part this is down to you O Walrus (whoever you are) & for which many thanks. I've no idea who else drops by. I did set up some kind of site meter and judging by a monthly 'zero visits' report I'm writing into the void.

I'm formulating all sorts of NYRs - no doubt Lisa J will be urging everyone to set new peak performance goals on her Blog as we hit 1st Jan.

Tune in next time ...

-8 degrees here this morning.


The C.

P.S. ever read any Tim Atkins? I nearly bought a new Salt volume by him in Waterstone's. It looked good.

April Fool?