Sunday, February 07, 2010


'Twas ever so in monitorology since Headmaster Adam became Eva Harte's toucher, in omnibus moribus et temporibus, with man's mischief in his mind whilst her pupils swimmed too heavenlies, let his be exaspirated, letters be blowed, I is a femaline person. O, of provocative gender. U unsingular case.


And each was wrought with his other.


no thing making newthing wealthshowever for a silly old Sol, healthytobedder and latewiser.


The mar of murmury mermers to the mind's ear, uncharted rock, evasive weed.


Why wilt thou erewaken him from his earth, O summonorother: he is weatherbitten from the dust of ages?


That little cloud, a nibulissa, still hangs isky.


who, in deesperation of deispiration at the diasporation of his diesparation, was found of the round of the sound of the lound of the Lukkedoerendunandurraskewdylooshoofermoyportertooryzooysphalnabortansporthaokansakroidverjkapakkapuk.

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