Sunday, September 01, 2013

Discussion over dinner concerned the phrase 'papier-machine' which, it seems, isn't used here in Belgium. The English equivalent would be 'typing paper' or - currently - 'printer paper'. The point being that Derrida is setting in motion an object-word play with which to put in question an apparent opposition between the 'spiritual' nature of the blank sheet and the technologically corrupted apparatus of printing. L. offers 'papier mâché' (which has its possibilities, too). However, on being asked whether she knew anything at all about Derrida's work said - with remarkable authority for a 13 year-old - "well, he's bonkers".


Last night, left to my own devices, I watch All About Eve on DVD. Marvellous. & now I know where Peter Sellers got the voice for Gryptype Thynne - Addison DeWitt aka George Sanders.


A definite chill in the air. We're into September ...

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