Hello, There appear to be a few Lisa Fishmans on the internet, and I just want to clarify that I'm the author of Dear, Read, but not in any way related to the material you found while Googling the name Lisa Fishman--I mean those the texts about alternative life choices or whatever it was. I (the poet in Chicago and Wisconsin, with books on Ahsahta) don't have a blog and have never made any blog comments until now (here). Just want to clarify any confusion of identity. I don't know what that "amlit" site or source was. Thanks for ordering Dear, Read, and all best, LF
Please accept my apologies - I had rather assumed you were one and the same (although I had noticed there's a singer called Lisa Fishman, too). As you will gather, with my name similar misunderstandings occur.
I was looking for mp3 files of readings. Living here in Belgium this is virtually the only way I'll get to hear poets read. If you have any information on this I'd be grateful.
I'm enjoying the first sequence of 'Dear, Read' having first got hold of a copy of 'The Happiness Experiment'. I imagine it's rather strange to find you've a fan base in Belgium - of all places! These are lovely volumes.
There appear to be a few Lisa Fishmans on the internet, and I just want to clarify that I'm the author of Dear, Read, but not in any way related to the material you found while Googling the name Lisa Fishman--I mean those the texts about alternative life choices or whatever it was. I (the poet in Chicago and Wisconsin, with books on Ahsahta) don't have a blog and have never made any blog comments until now (here). Just want to clarify any confusion of identity. I don't know what that "amlit" site or source was.
Thanks for ordering Dear, Read, and all best,
Hello Lisa
Please accept my apologies - I had rather assumed you were one and the same (although I had noticed there's a singer called Lisa Fishman, too). As you will gather, with my name similar misunderstandings occur.
I was looking for mp3 files of readings. Living here in Belgium this is virtually the only way I'll get to hear poets read. If you have any information on this I'd be grateful.
I'm enjoying the first sequence of 'Dear, Read' having first got hold of a copy of 'The Happiness Experiment'. I imagine it's rather strange to find you've a fan base in Belgium - of all places! These are lovely volumes.
Best wishes
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