How had this one slipped by me until now?
One of the great pleasures in life has to be suddenly discovering a new book or a new album and thinking how essential it is while knowing you've managed so far without it and yet - now - how could you do without it? The world has changed while you weren't looking. The shadows fall differently. There's a new melody to your days.
I'm typing this as track 4 - 'My Ship' - plays. About as ravishing a solo I think I've heard Miles Davis play. (Am I right in saying he's using a flugelhorn - giving that soft focus quality?).
Who cares - it sounds great. Walrus, if you're reading, I owe you big time for this one!
Wow. That really does my heart good. It's one of those albums that just gets inside you. And yes, a flugelhorn. It's regarded as a masterpiece by Miles fans, but seems to have been overshadowed by Kind of Blue, etc. I think perhaps the awful punning title hasn't helped. And there were issues around the cover art. But the music -- oh, sublime!
A greatly cheered,
PS Thanks for kind words regarding previous post.
'Filles de Kilimanjaro' is also damn good. However, I realise that I know certain tracks - they are on the 'In A Silent Way' Complete Sessions box set I got out a while ago from the mediatheque.
I agree: the cover art for 'Miles Ahead' leaves a lot to be desired.
Having a Miles weekend here. (I also got out 'E.S.P.' & 'On The Corner').
By the way - I was going to do a special Walrus Miles sonnet (using only track titles) - then I see someone's had exactly that idea in the liner for 'E.S.P.' - ESP indeed!
The C.
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