Thursday, January 06, 2011

"One and one makes - one"

Arvo Part, at a loss for inspiration, went outside into the snow one morning and asked the cleaner: "What should a composer do?" "Well, he should love every note," was the reply. "No professor had ever told me something like that," Part said, and this single sentence crystallised his thinking.


Lally said...

Never heard or read that before. Thanks for it.

Geofhuth said...

A favorite composer of mine. And certainly my favorite Estonian one.



gary barwin said...

That's a great story. When I studied with Louis Andriessen, he'd sometimes look at a whole note filling an entire bar of 4/4 and say, "That's a bourgeois note," meaning that it sat, full and self satisfied, not really doing anything. I think I prefer the lovingkindness approach to notes.

April Fool?